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Team EnGaged offers agent services to instructors, trainers and judges to develop their book of out of area clients while maintaining the quality and consistency. 


Often times, instructors get numerous requests to teach abroad in unknown circumstances. 


Coordinating calendars, people, places, flights, financials, visas and details is often times daunting, time consuming and stressful. Combine this with running a full time equestrian business, and there's little time for much else in the world. 


Team EnGaged offers agent services to instructors who wish to take the hassle out of planning and coordinating their calendars. 


Team EnGaged is currently the lead coordinator for several European and North American dressage and event ridersThey combine years of hosting expertise, area knowledge, a network of contacts and barns to allow instructors to utilize their time effectively while creating a loyal base of clients in quality, productive environments. From conception to return trip home to strategic growth planning and execution Team EnGaged enjoys developing careers to help education and repuations grow. 


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